Spring Pack – Printable



This pack includes 1 file of 50 pages of Montessori and Mason inspired material to print about Spring.  It is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old. Digital PDF to download. Read the description for more details. 👇


Catégorie : Étiquettes : , ,


En Confiance avec Montessori - English spring bundle 4
En Confiance avec Montessori - English spring bundle 3
En Confiance avec Montessori - English spring bundle 2
En Confiance avec Montessori - English spring bundle
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This Spring-themed pack includes 50 pages of Montessori and Mason inspired materials to print. Digital PDF to download for children aged from 3 to 7.

Here’s what you get when you choose this Spring-themed Montessori inspiration pack for a total of 50 pages:

A spring colored garland to decorate your activity space, different studies like rose, dandelion, butterfly and bee. The study of spring in art, puzzles to put together, a matching game, lace-up cards, cutting, graphics, creative DIY, cards for little gardeners, a spring treasure hunt, a phenology wheel to decorate, different activities and materials for math, language, classified pictures cards, writing activities, days of the week. A calendar and stationery as well as illustrations to color…

Topics covered:

garden flowers, butterflies, bees, gardening.

The posters in this pack are both educational material and decorative posters. They can be used as a support for young children’s learning and experiences. They can also be displayed in a frame and placed in the room or classroom at children’s height.

The files are in A4 format format, you can change the printing scale if you want smaller formats. These are digital PDF files to download and print, not a physical product. The download of your files will be available as soon as the payment is done.

The illustrations were created by Flora Toutin. Please note that the files are for personal or classroom use only. Also, they cannot be shared, distributed or resold in any way.

Please note:

4 pages are from the Bee Bundle (classified images).

Tips: To cut nice rounded corners when there are some in my files, I use this. And finally, for some materials, I recommend printing them on thick paper like this or this to laminate them.

You can also combine materials such as figurines of the bee life cycle here, the butterfly one here or plant one here. And you often ask me where to find small wooden objects for math or motor skills activities, here is an exemple of  what I use.



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